Period Swimwear

Try our range of leak-proof period swimwear, including period swimming costumes and bikini bottoms.

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4 to 24
Period Proof  Swimwear
Pre Order!
End June
Girls Period Swimsuit - Racerback Style
Half Price
Bikini Top
with Bikini
Period Bikini Swim Bottoms
Period Swimwear Bikini Crop Top

Period Swimwear for Light-moderate periods

Half Price
Bikini Top
with Bikini
Period Swimwear Wrap Bikini Top - Black

Page 1 of 1:    6 Items

Period Swimwear 

Don't let your period get in the way of spending time at the beach or the pool - take a look at our period swimsuits for light to moderate protection without the faff or using a tampon or a menstrual cup!

Our period swimming costumes are sized from 4 to 24

90 Day Risk Free Trial  

We love our Cheeky period swimwear and think you will too, but if this is your first time trying out reusable period products we understand you might be unsure if they're for you. Lucky for you, we run a 90 day trial on our period pants (excluding swimwear) so you can take them for a test drive before deciding whether or not to make the switch.

Any pants returned outside of the trial can only be returned/exchanged if they have been tried on OVER clean underwear and not prewashed.

Looking for period swimwear UK stockists?

Cheeky Period proof swimwear UK is only sold in online at and

That's because we believe that unlike High St stores, we can provide personalized help from our fantastic customer service team to help you make the switch.

Got more questions about Cheeky® period protection, head on over to our FAQs page. If your don't find what you're looking for there either pop us an email or send us a message on our chat!


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